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Jolley Springs Baptist Church news

Jolley Springs Baptist Church news

Posted: Thursday, November 15, 2012 6:01 pm
By: By Linda Crawford

We had all our past military servicemen to stand for recognition for our Veterans Day service. We also said the pledge to the flag and our pianist, Judy Michael, played “God Bless America” for our offering. Bro. Tony Michael used 2nd Timothy 2 for his sermon text. He told us we should be focused on our service to God. He told us God calls us to be faithful to His service wherever He has put us and to train the young people in how to serve God.

Our Acteens had a fundraiser spaghetti meal prepared for us after the morning service.  Most everyone stayed and enjoyed a good fellowship.

That night Bro. Tony read from I Corinthians 15:12-20. This passage of scripture is called the importance of Christ’s resurrection. Bro. Tony told us that Christ’s resurrection sealed our destiny.

Everyone is invited to Jolley Springs Sunday at 5:30 p.m. for a Thanksgiving Community Service. Even if you don’t go to church anywhere, bring a dish of food and come to this service. We usually have a full house of friends and neighbors from different faiths to come. Thompson Creek will be the host church this year. Bro. Robert Johnson from Barrs Chappel will be preaching.

Our annual Christmas Prayer Partner meal and revealing of who our secret partner was for the year will be Dec. 6.

Our adult Christmas party will be Dec. 8.

We are being asked to restock our church food pantry. Also We Care and Santa’s Helpers are in need of food donations. There are great needs in our area due to our economy and people being out of work.

We will be finishing up our Operation Christmas Child boxes Wednesday night. This is always a fun and exciting time packing boxes and waiting for the final total number of boxes to be announced.

We are very happy that Tim Allen will be coming home from the service in a few weeks.  Continue to pray for him and his safety. 

Mack and Janie (Crews) Jones are traveling to and from Memphis several times this week as he is having cyber knife surgery in stages.

Tommy Martin will soon be having some surgery.

Sylvia Moody is seeing a doctor in Jackson and has been added to our prayer list.

Hulon Moon has been moved from the Paris hospital to rehab.

Blanch Bullock, mother of our former pastor, Bro. Don Bullock, was very ill Sunday. Her family was at her bedside at the nursing home in Dresden.
