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Local SCV camp meets to conduct business

Local SCV camp meets to conduct business

Posted: Monday, February 20, 2012 8:00 pm

The Messenger 02.20.12

The Gen. Otho French Strahl Camp 176, Sons of Confederate Veterans, conducted its monthly meeting recently at the Obion County Museum on Edwards Street in Union City.
The meeting was called to order by commander Danny Isbell, who led the Pledge of Allegiance to the U.S. flag and the SCV flag salute. Chaplain Mike Alexander led the opening prayer.
There were 15 members and three guests.
In the absence of a formal speaker, only camp business was conducted. Three new member applications were presented for consideration.
Members learned a headstone dedication at Holloman Cemetery near Mason Hall is still pending.
They heard an update on the cleaning of Chambers-Holman Cemetery across the road from Memorial Gardens. Compatriot Robert Holman’s grandfather is buried there, along with three other Confederate veterans. The cemetery was overgrown and littered with trash after nearly 50 years of neglect but took on the appearance of a cemetery after six work days with the assistance of inmates from the county jail, local camp members and Mike Hall of Hall’s Tree Service. Another two work days are needed to complete the project when weather permits.
The fabricating and installation of the Confederate Soldier Monument for the Parks Cemetery Ridge Confederate Memorial Plaza is now completed and is a beautiful addition to the site, a spokesman said. A formal dedication is planned for April to correspond with Confederate History Month.
Funds were approved for a second light and sign to be installed at the memorial plaza.
Members discussed plans for the formation of a Tennessee Division Color Guard for West Tennessee. New member Will Thralls has expressed a desire to be a part of this group. It was recommended the camp sponsor him by providing transportation to drill practice and an appropriate uniform.
The group is still awaiting approval from the Obion County Public Library for April’s Confederate History and Heritage Month display.
The Sons of Confederate Veterans is the nation’s largest Southern heritage, history and honor organization open to all male descendants of a Confederate soldier who served honorably in the War for Southern Independence.
