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Rural fire subscriptions a hot button issue again

Rural fire subscriptions a hot button issue again

Posted: Thursday, February 24, 2011 9:09 pm
By: Donna Ryder, Associate Editor

Associate Editor
No one was hurt and there was not a large amount of property damage in Woodland Mills, but a recent fire there could have turned out differently.
Mayor Wade Carrington brought the matter up at the mayor and board of aldermen’s meeting Tuesday night, asking permission to draft a letter to thank the volunteers who responded. Those volunteers came from across the state line.
Apparently, the property owner did not pay the $75 rural fire subscription fee for the Union City Fire Department to respond. The departments in Troy and Rives would not respond, either, because under the newly-accepted fire districts, the property fell within the Union City fire district.
The Hickman (Ky.) Vol-unteer Fire Department and rescue squad members from that area responded, with the firefighters remaining to watch hot spots.
“It could have been bad,” alderman Waymon Reagan said.
Obion County Rescue Squad member Bill Sowell, who is a Woodland Mills resident, said a similar thing happened Sunday night when there was a grass fire toward Martin. The area was outside the city limits of Union City and the Union City Fire Department would not respond. But, because the area was in Union City’s fire district, Rives would not respond, he said.
Permission for the letter was granted by the board.
After the meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance led by Reagan and in prayer by alderman Tom Menees, the board:
• Learned the city must have state approval to invest in a five-year CD.
• Was informed taxes still owed include $13 from 2008, $803 from 2009 and $11,498 from 2010. Charter still owes the city $15.
• Discussed a street light in the Mount Herman area. Resident Taunda Bellamy said she would like for there to be more light on the roadway she walks on from her home to church and back. She said there are snakes out in the summer.
• Heard Barker Brothers adjusted the charge for Fall Cleanup. Spring Cleanup will be held April 18. Items must be curbside by 7 a.m. and should not include items such as tires, paint cans and freon.
• Approved the January financial reports including total assets of $6,137.89 in the refuse collection fund, $6,787.74 in the street aid fund, $550,272.95 in the sewer fund and $125,461.10 in the general fund.
• Learned the city has not heard anything else about the metal to repair the community center.
• Learned a street sign was found in Kentucky and has been brought back to Woodland Mills and reinstalled.
• Discussed mileage reimbursement for travel and informed Menees reimbursement for mileage is 51 cents per mile, based on the GSA (General Services Administration). He recently attended several meetings and classes on behalf of the city.
• Heard city recorder Thelma Green passed her certification class recently.
• Gave the mayor permission to deal with a property in the Mount Herman area where a new home was built through a Community Development Block Grant. The owner is refinancing and the city is required to sign paperwork.
• Questioned when the city is going to receive a report from the auditor on the condition of the city.
• Set the next meeting for March 14 at 6 p.m. at City Hall. If a meeting date change is required, it will be published in The Messenger and posted at both City Hall and the Woodland Mills Post Office.
Associate Editor Donna Ryder can be contacted by e-mail at
Published in The Messenger 2.24.11