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New Salem FCE Club

New Salem FCE Club

Posted: Friday, February 11, 2011 4:01 pm

New Salem FCE Club ladies held its regular monthly meeting on Jan. 7 at Cowboy Restaurant in Martin with 11 members and one visitor, Winnie Taylor, present.

President, Bettie Higgs, welcomed everyone and read the quote, “A women is delicate and fragile like a snowflake. Put enough of them together and you have an avalanche.” She brought the devotion on Attitude and read from Galatians 6:4 and Mary E. Bell led the song “God Bless America.” President Higgs read a birthday card honoring Evonne Shopher and an anniversary card honoring Mary E. Bell. All repeated the club creed together.

As Ruby Rogers called the roll, each one answered by telling about the deepest snow she remembered and gave the number of books read. She read the minutes for November and December and Treasurer Sylvia Simmons gave the report and read a thank you not from Kindred Caldwell for the club scholarship.

Five members will be attending the Leadership In Action Region meeting on Feb. 28, which was postponed in January.

We are to remember county council meeting has been changed to Feb. 10 and CVU reports are due in May.

Program Leader, Mary E. Bell, gave a book report from the Heavenly Humor series.

The closing thought was “East an apple on going to bed and you’ll keep the doctor from earning his bread,” a Pembrokeshire Proverb.

We enjoyed recreation with prizes and Dutch treat desserts from the restaurant.

wcp 2/10/11