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Hunter Hynds Unit meets

Hunter Hynds Unit meets

Posted: Thursday, October 7, 2010 5:52 pm

The Messenger, October 7, 2010
Hunter Hynds Unit of United Methodist Women met in September at Parnell’s in Martin.
Thirteen members and five guests attended and everyone enjoyed an evening on the patio, sharing a time of good food, fun and fellowship.
President Chris Cheatham called the meeting to order and noted many requests before leading the unit in prayer.
The Purpose was recited by those attending and Emily Haynes read the minutes, with Leanne Parnell giving the treasurer’s report.
Mrs. Cheatham and Jerry Darnall represented the unit at Annual Day and the group received several certificates. These included Reading Program, Gold Unit and Mission Studies.
Mrs. Cheatham encouraged members to save box tops and Cambpell soup labels for Reelfoot Rural Ministries and suggested Grace Place Ministry as the next “Going the Extra Mile” project.
Kathy Forrester presented information from the first chapter of “A Woman of Faith” by Dee Brestin by taking on the role of Esther from the Bible.
Roberta Peacock volunteered to present the second chapter at the October meeting. Mrs. Parnell will be responsible for the program Oct. 13 at Stanley’s Chapel United Methodist Church.