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Posted: Tuesday, September 7, 2010 5:58 am

TELLING THEIR STORY — Students from Obion County Central, South Fulton and Union City high schools were special guests at Friday’s Union City Rotary Club meeting. The students, all members of the Class of 2011, showed slides and video of their recent trip abroad, provided by the Rotary Club, and shared with members the highlights of the free European adventure. On hand for the event were (kneeling, from left) Megan Hickman, Lakevius Turner and Trey Maddox, all from UCHS; Jacob Cleaver from SFHS; Kassadie Mullins from UCHS; Alton Alexander from OCCHS; (standing) Jasmine Davis from UCHS; chaperones Joanna Wisener, a UCHS teacher, and Clark Wisener; Cameryn Fishel and Chase Bowling from UCHS; and Rotary Club members and trip committee co-chairmen Dr. Leland Davis and Clay Woods. The trip committee will be selecting the 2011 trip chaperones over the next few days and will then announce orientation sessions for members of the Class of 2012 from the three high schools who are interested in the tour next summer. A schedule of those sessions, which interested juniors must attend with a parent, will be printed in The Messenger and through information provided to each of the high schools.
