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Seeds from The Sower

Seeds from The Sower

Posted: Friday, May 7, 2010 8:01 pm
By: Michael A. Guido, D.D. Metler GA

Napoleon went to Egypt to wage a campaign. When he came home, he was faced by an alliance of four countries that was about to destroy him.
He recruited 40,000 men and met the enemy at Marengo, Italy. The battle went against him. “It is lost!” cried an officer. “Yes,” said Napoleon, “but there’s time to win another.”
Inspired by his faith and courage, they fought and won.
You may have lost battles with Satan and sin. But there’s time to win another.
Let the Lord enter into your heart. Read the Bible and you’ll be renewed. Pray, and you’ll have His power.
Victory is yours. It’s in the Lord!
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Published in The Weakley County Press 5.6.10