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Hope for a drug-free holiday

Hope for a drug-free holiday

To the Editor:
As the holiday season begins, Weakley county students will have lots of free time on their hands. Hopefully, this extra time will be spent enjoying the company of parents, grandparents, and other extended family members not otherwise seen on a regular basis.
Unfortunately, some students may use this time to experiment with dangerous behaviors.
There is trend in the area for some our children to “huff,” “dust” or inhale common household chemicals in order to achieve a “high.”
Some of the items which are being used range from Windex window cleaner, Ajax cleaner, hair spray or canisters of compressed air used to clean computer key boards, etc.
Please, as the holiday begins, talk with your children about the harmful effects of inhalants. Once is enough to kill.
Over the counter medicines can also be abused; so please secure your medicine cabinet.
Protect your children this holiday season from the needless effects of substance abuse.
The following Web sites provide excellent information if you are interested in more information:,, or
You may also contact the Weakley County Schools Safe and Drug Free Schools Program office at 364-2247 if you have any questions.
Weakley County Schools and the Office of Safe and Drug Free Schools wish each family a safe holiday season, filled with warm and happy memories to last a lifetime.
Lorna E. Benson, CEAP
Resource Specialist
Safe and Drug Free Schools Program
Weakley County Schools
WCP 12.18.07

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